Community Enrichment Series

Join our new virtual Community Enrichment Series. Engaging workshops supporting individuals and families to achieve their aspirations for a meaningful life! Webinars will take place the 3rd Tuesday of every month.

Medicaid 101: The basics of Medicaid benefits, programs and common terms and acronyms
Presented by: Sharyn King, BSN, RN, CCM,
Senior Vice President, The Coordinating Center

Learn about:

  • Most common situations that make someone eligible for Medicaid (aka Medical Assistance)
  • SSI vs. SSDI and Medicaid vs. Medicare
  • How to apply for Medicaid
  • HealthChoice and Managed Care Organizations (MCO)
  • Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT)
  • Waiver Programs
  • Other non-waiver Medicaid Programs

Assistive Technology (AT) Resources in Maryland
Presented by: Nora Walker, CRS A/D, Maryland Assistive Technology Program

Understand what Assistive Technology is, and learn about how to access it in Maryland.

Learn about:

  • AT Consultations and Loans
  • Financing AT
  • Obtaining used AT for free
  • And more!
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